Creative Visualization: Use The Power Of Your Imagination To Create What You Want In Your Life
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Creative Visualization has been successfully used in the fields of health, education, business, sports, and the arts for many years. Gawain explains how to use mental imagery and affirmations to produce positive changes in one’s life. The book contains meditations and exercises that are aimed at helping the practitioner channel energies in positive directions, strengthen self-esteem, improve overall health, and experience deep relaxation. This is the book that launched a movement. “Creative visualization works.” — Oprah Winfrey

Paperback: 192 pages

Publisher: New World Library, Nataraj; 25th anniversary edition (September 19, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1577312295

ISBN-13: 978-1577312291

Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 5.8 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (361 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #9,921 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #8 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Experimental Psychology #81 in Books > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Guides #82 in Books > Science & Math > Behavioral Sciences > Cognitive Psychology

I cannot emphasize enough the impact this book will make on your life. I read it about 5 years ago and have bought it for at least 20 people since.The information is simple and logical. If you adopt these simple ideas of thoughts, your life will transform in a way that seems like magic but is not because you control these transformations.This opinion comes from experience. I have adopted these ideologies into my life approximately 5 years ago after spending 8 years as a waitress and a constant feeling of defeat, fear of the future and confusion. I was constantly living from paycheck to paycheck and had high dreams that I just could not make happen.After reading the book I used some techniques to visualize what I wanted in my life. My life and my attitude had changed quickly and the path that I needed to follow started to unfold.I tought myself computers and used my art talents to become a web designer. I now work for a large reputable firm and am highly respected and rewarded for my talents. My first office job at the age of 30 and I am soaring.I also met the man of my dreams and am married. We have the kind of relationship that everyone dreams about. He has the qualities that I had imagined for myself over 2 years of living alone and I would not settle for anything less.Enough said-do yourself a favor, read this book and pass it around.

I bought this book sometime in the mid-80s, not long after Bantam published it. I was looking to take control of my life, to actively direct it, rather than swimming with the tide. This book allowed me to do just that.Gawain gives a number of excellent techniques to use to actively direct the course of your own life. From spoken and written affirmations, to "treasure maps", all the information given is powerful, and works! I still have a treasure map I drew about fifteen years ago, and everything I visualized then has come to pass over the years. This stuff is real, pure, simple magic that anyone can do. Don't hesitate, take yourself in hand and go for it!

A friend gave me this book years ago. Took me a year to get around to reading it. I am, by nature, a skeptical person. More out of boredom than anything I tried the treasure book exercises for about four months. Then gave up as nothing seemed to be happening. Then - bam, bam, bam!!! Everything I visualized came at me with no effort on my part. It was spooky! It changed the way I looked at the world and myself. I would discount the review that suggested this works for already successful liberals. That's certainly not me!! It's not about politics or income - it's about realizing the power of that stuff between your ears. Not for everybody but then what book is.

When i was in grad school in the 80's i bought this book because it was short and practical, and learning and practicing visualization made a good balance against the pure intellectual work i did as a PhD student. Though it is said: Ask and you shall receive, i dont' always get what i ask for; Visualization is not a "Santa Clause machine". But i did benefit by finding my mind clearer, calmer after meditating in the fashion described in this book. Its smaller size and strightforward simplicity appeals to me. Another book i found interesting on the topic of visualizing is The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden. It is a longer, more detailed book that includes the author's adventures in discovering secrets of prayer. One passage describes how a Native American prayed rain (not "prayed for rain" but "prayed rain" - an important distinction.) In contrast, Shakti Gawain's book has minimal material on her adventures in discovery, rather it is focused on the goal of being a practical "how-to" anyone can follow without a big time commitment. (BTW, for this reason it's not the book to take on a long trip to fill your time.)

Shakti has written a book that is both informative and loving. And even if you're not ready for the exercises, just read it to experience serenity and love. This is the biggest benefit I have received from reading this book.An important insight I have derived is that affirmations and visualizations go together. I used to recite affirmations by rote before I re-read it and realized that affirmations are most effective when recited slowly when your eyes are closed.I bought this book at Brentano's last April, and I revelled in closing my eyes and visualizing a wonderful future for myself. Since then I have moved into a new home and have started working full-time on salary. Practicing visualization and reading this book helped bring these improvements into my life. Thank you Shakti! for having written such a remarkable book!

Shakti Gawain's classic work, CREATIVE VISUALIZATION, truly stands the test of time. Although I read it for the first time in April 2001 (the original 1978 first edition version), I was thoroughly impressed with the way Gawain can write such a practical guide to the process of how we create our lives from our thoughts and feelings.Gawain includes many exercises which help readers learn how to relax, how to visualize, contact their higher selves, program prosperity, heal themselves and others, meditate, and state meaningful affirmations. I especially enjoyed her "pink bubble" manifestation meditation for bringing what you most desire to you.I feel very at home with the exercises and techniques outlined in CREATIVE VISUALIZATION, and highly recommend it to anyone interested in transforming their life for the better.

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