Cardiovascular And Pulmonary Physical Therapy: A Clinical Manual, 2e
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Quick and convenient, this resource provides a clinical overview of a wide variety of diseases and disorders that affect the cardiovascular system and lungs and the physical therapy management of patients with them. It integrates key concepts of pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests and laboratory information and findings with clinically important medical and surgical interventions and pharmacologic therapies ― then applies the material to physical therapy evaluation and treatment. This edition adds an introductory chapter on the oxygen transport pathway, the effects of dysfunction along the pathway, and the implications for physical therapy.Offers a complete overview including basic cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology, the pathophysiology of commonly encountered cardiac and pulmonary disorders, diagnostic tests and procedures, therapeutic interventions, pharmacology, physical therapy evaluation and treatment, and clinical laboratory values and profiles. Uses a bulleted format to make finding information quick and easy. Lists the latest drugs used for the treatment of cardiopulmonary disorders. Includes information on laboratory medicine and pediatrics to help you apply cardiopulmonary principles to practice.Follows the oxygen transport pathway ― the delivery, uptake and, extrication of oxygen as it actually functions in a clinical setting ― providing a logical framework for understanding cardiopulmonary concepts.Explains the implications of defects in the pathway ― essential considerations for clinical practice.Includes a comprehensive listing of common cardiopulmonary diseases, as well as a number of other diseases that are associated with cardiopulmonary dysfunction.Provides new and updated illustrations that depict common pathologies such as the pathophysiology of left ventricular diastolic and systolic dysfunction, volume versus pressure overload, and dilated versus hypertrophies versus restrictive cardiomyophathies.Includes descriptions of important interventions such as lung volume reduction surgery and lung transplantation.Adds a new section on simple anthropometric measurements for determining obesity, with information on this demographic trend and how it impacts assessment.

Paperback: 448 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 2 edition (September 22, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0721606466

ISBN-13: 978-0721606460

Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 0.7 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #410,580 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #66 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Allied Health Services > Respiratory Therapy #99 in Books > Medical Books > Allied Health Professions > Respiratory Therapy #268 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Cardiology

This book is a good resource for Cardiopulm class - esp for PT. It has clinical implications in every section for PTs. THe book is quite dense and wordy so just be aware you will have to break it down and read sections at a time or risk being overwhelmed with info! The book is think and condensed so your back will thank you compared to the 10 pounders from Ortho!!

Super fast delivery! I am a happy customer! Thanks!

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