Ruppel's Manual Of Pulmonary Function Testing, 10e (Manual Of Pulmonary Function Testing (Ruppel))
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Covering common pulmonary function tests and techniques, Ruppel's Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 10th Edition is not only an authoritative, on-the-job reference, but an excellent resource for preparing for the CPFT (certified pulmonary function technologist) and RPFT (registered pulmonary function technologist) specialty credentialing examinations. It includes information on pathophysiology, equipment, and quality assurance, so you can develop the testing skills you need to find and assess lung abnormalities and conditions including asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and cystic fibrosis. Written by Carl Mottram, RRT, RPFT, FAARC, one of the most respected experts in pulmonary function procedures, this text helps you get accurate test results every time.Case studies provide problem-solving challenges for common clinical cases, including each case history, PFT testing results, a technologist’s comments, and questions and answers. PFT Tips boxes highlight and reinforce the most important Pulmonary Function Testing information in every chapter. Entry- and Advanced-Level objectives follow the content guidelines suggested by the CPFT and RPFT exam matrices from the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). Concise chapter outlines introduce the topics to be covered.

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