All The Pretty Things: The Story Of A Southern Girl Who Went Through Fire To Find Her Way Home
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"I don't know how old I was the night the trailer burned down, or if the rumor was true that Daddy was the one who set it on fire." For a long time, Edie thought she had escaped. It started in an Appalachian trailer park, where a young girl dreamed of becoming a doctor. But every day, Edie woke up to her reality:a poverty-stricken world full of alcohol and violence, where getting out seemed impossible. She taught herself to drive a stick shift truck at twelve years oldso she could get her drunk daddy home from the bar.  She spent Saturdays at Brushy Mountain prison visiting her incarcerated cousin.  She watched adults eat while her stomach gnawed and then there was torching of the family trailer, where she dug through the ashes to try to salvage her most prized possession--her Tammy Wynette album. And at the center of it all was her charismatic daddy. She never knew when he would show up but when he did he was usually drunk; she learned the hard way that she couldn't count on him to protect her.  So she told herself it didn't matter.  All she wanted was to make him proud. Against all odds, Edie "made doctor," achieving everything that had once seemed beyond her reach. Only, it was too late, because her Daddy died a year before she graduated medical school. She split the cost of his funeral with her sister.   When her past finally caught up with her, it was all too much so she did what her Daddy would have done--she set it all on fire.    It would take her whole life burning down once again for Edie to be finally able to face the truth about herself, her family, and her relationship with God. Readers of The Glass Castle will treasure this refreshing and raw redemption story, a memoir for anyone who has ever hungered for home, forgiveness, and the safe embrace of a father's love.

Paperback: 320 pages

Publisher: Tyndale Momentum (September 20, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 149640338X

ISBN-13: 978-1496403384

Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.9 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (124 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #262 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Religious #5 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Women's Issues #12 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Specific Groups > Women

This memoir will break your heart and heal it all at once. I couldn't stop reading. I cried and I laughed. If you deal with brokenness, addiction, divorce, poverty or have simply lost your faith, please read this book. Edie's story is heartbreaking and beautiful and full of hope all at once.

I have read and loved Edie's blog for several years, and was so excited when I found out she was writing a book. She is such a woman of beauty and grace, and so much hospitality. I couldn't put her book down and you won't be able to either. This is such a beautiful story of grace. A story about a girl who loved her Daddy and wanted nothing but his love in return. Through the years she finally realizes that he loved her the best he knew how, and that there is an even greater love from her Heavenly Father. A story rich in southern lingo and country music that makes me love and miss the south in which I grew up(hoping to move back next year). This book will make you realize that there are parts of all of our stories that need to be told, even the ones that we don't want to tell. And that when we do tell them healing can come in ways that we least expect. Thank you Edie for sharing your story with us. For being vulnerable and exposing all the parts that most want to cover up. All that I could think of by the end was that you are like the phoenix rising from the ashes..and that just like it says in Isaiah..that you've been given beauty for ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of heaviness.

Edie has such an special way of weaving her story in such a way that as you read her words you just want to reach out and hug the little girl who was longing to have her father's love and attention.Edie's words are heartfelt, tender and richly emotional. Anyone who reads this book will be impacted by her inspirational journey - a journey that took a little girl overcoming the hurdles in her life to become the incredible person that she is today.

Edie Wadsworth has written a beautiful, heart-wrenching story that will take you through the poverty of her childhood in southern Appalachia to the abundance she has found in the world around her. Her love for her people shines through as she tells an honest tale of loss and redemption. As she writes, " I learned to hold my compassion for Daddy and my wounds from him in the same heart." Edie's gentle book softens the harshness of her story but still tells the truth about how she came through it all and found Truth in the end.

Edie Wadsworth writes with such grace as she tells her story. You read it knowing that she endured really hard things, but that she has walked through the process of forgiveness and grace. Her story makes you think about your own story, how you got to where you are, and how God has redeemed the hard things. I am so thankful for her words, her story, and her life. She is one that sees, hears, and knows what it is like to walk through the fire (actual fire) and come out on the other side. This book will stay with me for a long time. I am ordering it for everyone for Christmas gifts!

Length: 1:20 Mins

I am embarrassed to say that I had never heard of Edie Wadsworth until I stumbled on to her blog earlier this year. I then watched one of her videos and fell in love with her warm and embracing personality. She was so warm in greeting folks as they signed into her live video. It was like she was having coffee with each one. I immediately liked her page to enjoy her more. So transfer this amazing woman into fine print in her first book, "All the Pretty Things!" I loved this book so much I stayed up three nights in a row and consumed it! The story is rich in the love of family, truth, pain and hardship including hunger and a few fires. But the refining fire took the ashes and resurrected hope and a need to discover who she was in all of the hard times which has turned her into the prettiest overcomer! This story will inspire you life in hard times and help you see your victories! Watch my added video on Edie!

“All The Pretty Things” wrecked me in the most beautiful way! It opened the door to childhood memories that were long ago buried. It’s almost unexplainable how much someone else’s story can unlock your own. But through the wrecking comes almost immediate healing, as if you are suddenly transported to the other side of loss, disappointment, and grief. The scales are lifted from your eyes and you see God’s redemptive plan for you. You reflect back in awe of just how beautiful Proverbs 3:5 “lean not in your own understanding” looks years later.“All the Pretty Things” gave me a crash course and a life saving dose of empathy. Edie reminds us of the adversities of the neglected, poor, abandoned, un-educated, hopeless, molested, special needs child, young pregnant girl, and yes even the chain-smoker. Perhaps even more profound was the way she showed how love and compassion in a non-condoning way can truly all step together in unison for those people in our lives who have hurt and disappointed us the most. In the end, “All The Pretty Things” reminded me of God’s unfailing love for myself and made me want to extend that same love to others.This is a book you will buy multiple copies of for families and friends. I read it in two days and want to read it again! Have your Kleenexes ready!This would be a great book to dissect in a small group or Bible study!

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