Essentials Of Negotiation
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Essentials of Negotiation, 5e is a condensed version of the main text, Negotiation, Sixth Edition. It explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and inter-group conflict and its resolution. Twelve of the 20 chapters from the main text have been included in this edition, several chapters having been condensed for this volume. Those condensed chapters have shifted from a more research-oriented focus to a more fundamental focus on issues such as critical negotiation subprocesses, multiparty negotiations, and the influence of international and cross-cultural differences on the negotiation process.

Paperback: 304 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 5 edition (February 17, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0073530360

ISBN-13: 978-0073530369

Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 0.5 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (67 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #50,911 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #73 in Books > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Negotiating #89 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Stocks #160 in Books > Textbooks > Business & Finance > Management

"Essentials of Negotiation" is the popular market version of "Negotiation," which is a texbook. This one is more of a handbook for actual negotiators. The advantages of "Essentials" is that it is streamlined (making it a better intro for beginners or refresher for experienced negotiators) and less expensive. It still includes all the major topics you want to see: distributive bargaining, integrative bargaining, psychology of negotiations (including some communications tactics), ethics, and some int'l stuff. It also has a good index, making it a nice reference tool.While it has lots of stories and examples to help readers remember concepts, my favorite feature of this book is that the author doesn't talk down to his audience. Lewicki uses technical jargon when it is appropriate (he also explains it). That precision has value, in my opinion. People who are completely new to a study of negotiation might prefer "Getting Past No" by Ury, which is also very good but perhaps more accessible. Those with some, even minimal, experience would be well-served by this book.Good luck!

I have done my doctoral dissertation in negotiation and have read hundred of books and articles in this subject. "Essential of Negotiation" is the best general book dealing with negotiation. Great coverage of the subject. No doubt it is a great investment for practitioners and academics. You will not regret!

The text was fine, everything that I needed for my class and more. However, I was frustrated by way the information was presented.By and large I have been impressed with Kindle products and altogether. The publisher made this impossible to load onto the actual Kindle because sizes couldn't be changed at all, I'm not sure for the purpose of this. Also, I couldn't read it on my Kindle application on my PC because, in an effort to cut down on illicit copying, they made it impossible to change the size on the application.All in all, it made the reading of the textbook nearly impossible. I'm certain that this is the beginning, not the end of textbooks via e-books but I was unimpressed and frustrated with the content restrictions. I will not purchase any more items from this publisher and would advise you to do likewise.

Do you ever check a course syllabus and think, "I have to read three chapters of the text for next class!?!" No worries here. This textbook is not only worth reading, you'll actually look forward to each chapter. btw, if "Getting to Yes" isn't required, read it before your negotiations class starts. Many texts and articles published since GTY was written tip their hats before proceeding.

I find this book to be poorly organized and a tough read. The content is good but the editing, layout and readability are very poor. The authors also use needless terms and vocabulary which are not commonplace to anyone who has not read the text. I suppose if you are highly academic, you might appreciate this book, but if you want a book to provide you with the "essentials of negotiation", as the title states, then I think this book misses the mark entirely.I suspect the book is a version of the authors' class notes. It also states the obvious - "studies have shown that expert negotiators do better in negotiations than amateurs" REALLY? that's amazing... If you're not reading this book for a class I would recommend looking elsewhere.

This is version is an extremely strange presentation of the book, a pseudo-pdf file that I found impossible to read on my notebook computer. Additionally, this will not work on a Kindle Paperwhite etc. The book is very helpful, but the formatting of this file time is horrible. I instead purchased the hard copy of this book. I would not recommend purchasing the digital version.

I have to read this book for my class and even though it is fairly good and easy to read, it is irritating that it has no page numbers. I wish I would of known this before I bought it. I would have gotten the hard copy. I can't follow along with the professor. Very disappointing.

This is the first book that delivers on its promise to teach negotiation. I found that printed and online resources offered nonsense like "hot tips" and "fool-proof methods". Screw that. I needed to have someone explain negotiation to me from the ground up. That's what this book does.Be forewarned, it has the formality of a textbook—which it literally seems to be. The amount of information presented borders on being too much, which is a refreshing change after being short-changed by every other book I have seen. Fortunately, the writing style is clear, concise, well organized, and makes excellent use of tables and diagrams.For years, I had assumed that all of negotiation fell along a single axis running from "success" to "failure". Here, negotiation is shown to be a multi-dimensional process wherein traditional ploys are revealed to be the least effective of the available strategies.I am no longer a clueless brawler and can now negotiate with ever increasing ease and effectiveness.

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