Writing For Television, Radio, And New Media (Broadcast And Production)
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You can trust Hilliard's WRITING FOR TELEVISION, RADIO, AND NEW MEDIA to provide you with thorough and up-to-date coverage of the principles, techniques, and approaches of writing for television, radio, and the Internet, including writing for a variety of formats such as interviews, sports, advertisements, scripts, and news. Hilliard's vast coverage of content, excellent organization, attention to form, and good examples ensure that you will be well trained for a career in WRITING FOR TELEVISION, RADIO, AND NEW MEDIA.

Series: Broadcast and Production

Paperback: 528 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning; 10 edition (August 10, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1439082715

ISBN-13: 978-1439082713

Product Dimensions: 9 x 7.3 x 0.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (18 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #247,814 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #113 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Radio > General Broadcasting #172 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Media & Communications #220 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Movies > Screenwriting

This is the seventh edition of this book which, although apparently written as a text for use in college courses, actually serves very well for those of us who are interested in writing for special audiences, i.e., electronic media and video productions, etc. It's completely up to date and even a little ahead of itself, which is no mean feat in this age of rapid technology. I'm impressed with the way the writing principles and techniques are put across, but mostly with all the examples of what this kind of script should actually look like, on paper. Included are chapters on interviews and talk shows, corporate and children's programs, plays, everything. The book is quite expensive, but when I think about how much it will be referred to and constantly skimmed for new information, I can certainly justify the price. I am a creative writing teacher sometimes and a freelance writer all the time. As the author of The Complete Guide to Writers Groups, Conferences and Workshops (Wiley), I write the subsequent spin-off Ask Eileen column for iUniverse and America Online's Writers Club. I get tons of inquiries about how to write for the new interactive media and find this book a marvelous resource. It covers every aspect, leaves no stone unturned. I'm always referring to books on writers and writing and this one stands more than a cut above the rest. Oh, and one more thing,it's responsible. It doesn't pretend to be a quick-fix to making tons of money; it emphasizes professionalism in the best sense of the word. It's a fine investment, a fine, fine piece of work.

The author is very knowledgeable that is certain, but he is terribly verbose overall. If he wrote more simply then the book would be half the size it is. This is the case for numerous textbooks so I'm used to this by now, but still it makes me bitter. The pictures are helpful, but the script formats are not as concise as they should be.

Like most everyone reading this book, I am a college student who was forced to purchase it for a class in writing.PLEASE HEAR ME OUT BEFORE YOU READ THE REST OF THIS REVIEW!This book has all the material you need to become better at writing, but for how much it costs, it is not worth the admission. You can get much cheaper books, such as "Writing for Visual Media" that have just as much information for a fraction of the cost.That, and this book is really dense. Don't expect any visuals any time soon. I'm not really a visual learner, but after 50 pages of nothing but small print text, it gets old quick.If you, like me, are a student, buy this book for a cheap as you can so you can resell it. If you are an adult wanting to hone your reading and writing skills, then find a cheaper book.Just because this book is expensive doesn't mean it is the best.

This was not worth the cost!!! It should be in hard cover for the price. Outrageous! One of the first times I felt like sending a book back.

This is a TV writing bible--and deservedly so. It teaches how to write for eyes and ears, but offers practical information about producing for TV, radio, and social media.

Required reading for college course. Still a good book non-the-less. I will be keeping this book after the course is completed.

Am reading it now, suits the college course I bought it for

Good read.

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