An Epidemic Of Empathy In Healthcare: How To Deliver Compassionate, Connected Patient Care That Creates A Competitive Advantage
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The best strategies in healthcare begin with empathyRevolutionary advances in medical knowledge have caused doctors to become so focused on their narrow fields of expertise that they often overlook the simplest fact of all: their patients are suffering. This suffering goes beyond physical pain. It includes the fear, uncertainty, anxiety, confusion, mistrust, and waiting that so often characterize modern healthcare.One of healthcare’s most acclaimed thought leaders, Dr. Thomas H. Lee shows that world-class medical treatment and compassionate care are not mutually exclusive. In An Epidemic of Empathy in Healthcare, he argues that we must have it both ways―that combining advanced science with empathic care is the only way to build the health systems our society needs and deserves. Organizing providers so that care is compassionate and coordinated is not only the right thing to do for patients, it also forms the core of strategy in healthcare’s competitive new marketplace. It provides business advantages to organizations that strive to reduce human suffering effectively, reliably, and efficiently. Lee explains how to develop a culture that treats the patient, not the malady, and he provides step-by-step guidance for unleashing an “epidemic of empathy” by: Developing a shared understanding of the overarching goal―meeting patients’ needs and reducing their sufferingMaking empathic care a social norm rather than the focus of economic incentivesPinpointing and addressing the most significant causes of patient sufferingCollecting and using data to drive improvement Healthcare is entering a new era driven by competition on value―meeting patients’ needs as efficiently as possible. Leaders must make the choice either to move forward and build a new culture designed for twenty-first-century medicine or to maintain old models and practices and be left behind.Lee argues that empathic care resonates with the noblest values of all clinicians. If healthcare organizations can help caregivers live up to these values and focus on alleviating their patients’ suffering, they hold the key to improving value-based care and driving business success.Join the compassionate care movement and unleash an epidemic of empathy!Thomas H. Lee, MD, is Chief Medical Officer of Press Ganey, with more than three decades of experience in healthcare performance improvement as a practicing physician, a leader in provider organizations, researcher, and health policy expert. He is a Professor (Part-time) of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Hardcover: 224 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (November 16, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1259583015

ISBN-13: 978-1259583018

Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 1 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (4 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #173,207 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #24 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology #56 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Nurse-Patient Relations #68 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Patient Education

Fantastic narrative about the current state of health care, issues we face and ways to improve a chaotic system with compassionate, connected care. Dr. Lee really breaks down the complicated and competitive health care environment as it functions today and makes it clear that employing empathic care is not only the right thing to do morally, but a smart business move.I think the idea that suffering in health care may be inherent, but there is no reason providers can’t work to reduce avoidable suffering is something any patient and provider can agree with. I specifically love his point that providing care with empathy isn’t telling the patient what they want to hear, but understanding that care is not “one size fits all” and working to provide excellent care that truly meets patient needs and expectations.As a patient, consumer and someone familiar with the health care industry I found this book interesting, insightful and compelling. The data referenced gives weight to his points and personal reflections and anecdotes included bring the story to life. It’s an interesting and engaging volume for those with no background in health care and a must-read for those in the industry.

This book offers fascinating insights into the revolution of improved patient experience and safety in healthcare. Dr. Lee is Chief Medical Officer for Press Ganey, and a thought leader in the field. His book is extremely well researched, contains useful anecdotes and is very insightful. Topics include ways to ease patients suffering, why teamwork is so essential to care, why competition in healthcare is a good thing, what patients really care about, how to improve patient experience and safety and more. I recommend this book to any doctor or healthcare executive who wishes to embrace state-of-the art care.

Dr Lee nails it in his book, "An Epidemic of Empathy in Healthcare". It's obvious the book was written by someone that has been in the trenches of healthcare vs someone writing from only a philosophical/theoretical framework. I would highly recommend this book to anyone within the healthcare industry as well as those outside of the industry that want a better understanding of patient experience dynamics at play today.

As a long-time patient experience leader, I can tell you that this book is a must read for any physician, nurse or administrative leader! It is beautifully written and thoughtfully organized to provide any clinician, organization or health system a model for understanding what patient experience is and is not. I've read my copy more times than I can count, it's pages are well read, underlined, tabbed and page corners turned. Tom Lee provides the words to explain what all patient experience leaders are feeling. Can't we make this effort one that is truly making things better in health care - both for patients and clinicians. Don't miss this read!

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