Monthly Cash Machine: Powerful Strategies For Selling Options In Bull And Bear Markets
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Looking for some extra monthly income?Tired of living from paycheck to paycheck?Sitting in cash, scared to buy stocks, but sick of savings accounts that pay next to nothing?Then you are ready for a "Monthly Cash Machine."Learn to harness the power of options to turn every Friday into a payday.Even if you know nothing at all about trading options, this guide will quickly bring you up to speed, with step-by-step instructions and extensive examples. best-selling author, Matthew Kratter will teach you options strategies that anyone can use to generate monthly income.You will learn:Trading strategies that work in bull and bear marketsInsider tricks used by professional tradersWhy option sellers have a huge advantage over option buyersHigh probability winning trading strategiesHow to make money using iron condors, spreads, and other strategiesJoin the thousands of smart traders who have come over to the "selling side."Now is the time to get started making money the easy way.And if you ever get stuck, you can always reach out to me by email (provided inside of the book), and I will help you.Get started today:Scroll back up to the top of this page and select the "Buy Now" button.

File Size: 742 KB

Print Length: 48 pages

Publisher: Trader University (April 23, 2016)

Publication Date: April 23, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #31,912 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #21 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Analysis & Strategy #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Business & Money #49 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Investing

I received an advance copy. Matt's books are really more for beginners. If you've never heard of options or a particular strategy his books can be a good place to start. There are a few things in this book I disagree with. Matt mentions he will put on a trade and try not to watch it until two weeks to expiration. You should also always monitor your positions. You may plan a one month position but if support or resistance levels break down you should be ready to exit the trade at any time. He also talks about how an advanced trader might leg into a spread but you should NEVER start with the short option first. That's way too risky. There is also no mention of implied volatility, which is everything if your an option trader. But like I said these books are for beginners. If you've just begun learning about options start here, that's fine. But I would not recommend trading after only reading this book. Go get a thorough education, learn the greeks and learn about volatility.

Matthew details some great strategies using Options. I really like his down to earth style of writing. Easy to understand, yet powerful. A quick read, but if you are just starting out in Options, this book and his others will give you a good solid base of understanding and knowledge regarding this part of the Market.

Another Terrific book by Matthew Kratter. An easy read outlining a compelling strategy to generate monthly income by trading Options. If you understand the fundamentals of Options, you will quickly learn his approach to the powerful leverage of Puts and Calls. I have read each of his books and have learned several strategies from each.

Easy to read, and focuses on one strategy rather than going all over the place like some investment authors. I completely enjoy every one of Mr. Kratter's books, and the Investment University is a wonderful bonus. Matt Kratter is approachable, provides affordable books, returns emails, and answers questions which is unbelievably rare for an author. I alway look forward to additional books.

To start with, I am pretty new to the stock market world, and even newer in option trading. Browsing through 's stock guidance books, I found this interesting book called "Covered Calls Made Easy" to learn about covered calls and thus introducing me to the word "options", which then leads me to reading this "Monthly Cash Machine" book that I also really love. I'd say this book is an upgraded version of the covered calls one since it uses the "Poor Man's" strategy and combining them to make it a condor spread, which is also a good way to be an extra income. I love the way he explained it with detailed examples of comparing output of the trade in different market conditions. Both of his book that I read are recommended!NOTE: I received an advance review copy of the book

Matthew Kratter has done it again. By that I mean he has written another simple step by step book outlining another trading strategy (on this occasion -- an 'iron condor'. What I can't stress enough is the simplicity of this book. It's very thorough and detailed, but the author possesses a skill in communicating this trading strategy in a very readable and understandable way. Unlike other such books, Matthew in his bonus chapter literally takes the reader by the hand and shows exactly how to implement this technique with screenshots from the website he cites. All in all, another excellent book which I have no hesitation in recommending.

Wish I had this book sooner in my trading ventures. It would have saved me a lot of time and money (on courses and losses). Matt is a great writer that explains in detail for the beginner in layman's terms which often causes anxiety with new traders trying to understand the lingo. While I was honored by Matt to get an advance copy of this book, it was a reawakening to the world of Iron Condors I used to love and am motivated to get back to now.The free bonus chapter that is an Iron Condor system is almost a greater value than the book itself. Certainly worth the price of admission to get this book into your library and reference as needed. If you are on the fence about spending a few $'s for this book, trading in general may not be for you. This book outlines a lifetime of foreseeable cash flow if you are willing to make the time to learn and apply what you've learned.

Matt was kind enough to provide me with a review copy of his latest work. Personally I have invested for more than 55 years and have always considered options a scary topic best left to the pros. For many reasons, I have decided to put at least one toe in the water of option trading. For me, Matt's concise, well-written, to-the-point books were an excellent place to start in my education. Others have commented on his mastery of readable, intelligible writing. He provides enough meat to get you in the game and a large dose of caution that is welcomed by the neophyte. His willingness to interact personally with his readers was totally unexpected and exceedingly appreciated.If you are a wizened option trader looking for a deep dive into more arcane strategies, this is probably not the book for you. For the millions of us who need mentoring, a solid understanding of the basics and the confidence to begin trading options, Matthew Kratter should be the "teacher everybody wants". "Monthly Cash Machine" is an excellent work and will lead me to read the rest of his books on options.

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