The Nikon Autofocus System: Mastering Focus For Sharp Images Every Time
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With today’s advanced camera technology, achieving focus on a photographic subject seems like it should be a straightforward task. But many photographers know that it can be deceptively difficult, especially when shooting moving subjects or in challenging situations. Now, there is a complete guide available for Nikon shooters that will help them get tack-sharp photos every time. In The Nikon Autofocus System, photographer Mike Hagen, author of the bestselling The Nikon Creative Lighting System, takes his deep knowledge of Nikon technology and concentrates on its focus features. In this book, which covers all current Nikon DSLR models, Hagen fully explains how Nikon autofocus works, including detailed discussions of all the autofocus modules, drive systems, and camera buttons and menus. He also devotes an entire chapter to explore how focus works with Nikon’s lenses. Armed with this general knowledge, Hagen then dives deep and offers camera setups, settings, and best practices for specific field techniques that address the photographic genres that are notoriously challenging for focus: action and sports (indoor and outdoor), wildlife (including birds in flight), and macro photography. He also covers genres such as portrait, landscape, underwater, low-light, and street photography. Hagen not only advises on the best ways to set up the camera and focus systems, he gives helpful tips and tricks throughout the book. The Nikon Autofocus System also covers: Live view autofocus methods and settings Achieving great focus in video AF tracking AF shooting styles, such as back-button AF and shutter-release AF HDR, panoramas, and other techniques for shooting with a tripod An entire chapter on additional terms and techniques, such as hyperfocal distance, calibrating lenses, focus and flash photography, and more

Paperback: 208 pages

Publisher: Rocky Nook; 1 edition (November 27, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1937538788

ISBN-13: 978-1937538781

Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (72 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #63,987 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #59 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Equipment, Techniques & Reference > Equipment #81 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Equipment, Techniques & Reference > Reference #88 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Visual Arts > Photography

I purchased this book because it was the only dedicated book about this topic. As mentioned by another reviewer, I found errors. Only 15 pages into the book there are two completely conflicting descriptions of the dynamic auto focus system. On the lower left column of page 15, the author states that if you set the camera to one of the dynamic area modes (d-9, d-21, d39, d-51, 3D tracking) then you initially focus with the priority sensor (the center sensor in the group) but fail to keep the subject on that priority sensor for more than an "instant to about 1.5 seconds" the camera will assume you are trying to focus on a new subject. You will lose the ability to track your moving target if you can't reposition the target or subject on the priority sensor. Now jump one page ahead and it is stated that as long as you keep the subject (bird in this case) within any of the sensors (in that group of 9,21,39 or 51) that the camera will maintain focus (regardless if you cannot reposition the subject to the "priority sensor"). Well, which of these is true??? Guess I will have to experiment. I'm just a little upset that I had to pay money for this info and then find that I must experiment on my own to decide if the text on this page is correct or the text on that page is correct. To the readers of this, any comments explaining the dynamic focusing system and how it functions would be very helpful.More conflicting text about the dynamic focusing system can be found on pages 7: dynamic AF modes require continuous servo mode (AF-C). I agree...

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