Musculoskeletal MRI, 2e
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Whether you are a resident, practicing radiologist, or new fellow, this authoritative resource offers expert guidance on all the essential information you need to approach musculoskeletal MRI and recognize abnormalities. The updated second edition features new illustrations to include the latest protocols as well as images obtained with 3 Tesla (T) MRI. See normal anatomy, common abnormalities, and diseases presented in a logical organization loaded with practical advice, tips, and pearls for easy comprehension.Follows a template that includes discussion of basic technical information, as well as the normal and abnormal appearance of each small unit that composes each joint so you can easily find and understand the information you need. Depicts both normal and abnormal anatomy, as well as disease progression, through more than 600 detailed images. Includes only the essential information so you get all you need to perform quality musculoskeletal MRI without having to wade through too many details.Presents the nuances that can be detected with 3 Tesla MRI so you can master this new technology Includes “how to” technical information on updated protocols for TMJ, shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand, spine, hips and pelvis, knee, and foot and ankle. Features information boxes throughout the text that highlight key information for quick review of pertinent material.

Hardcover: 456 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 2nd edition (November 18, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1416055347

ISBN-13: 978-1416055341

Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 0.9 x 11.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (24 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #493,888 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #105 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Radiology & Nuclear Medicine > Diagnostic Imaging #140 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Radiology > Diagnostic Imaging #243 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Diagnostics & Labs

I know that high quality versions of the second edition exist. However, the version that sent me is printed on cheap paper (that you can see through) and with low-quality images. The content is great, but to think that a radiologist could use the pictures for reference is laughable. For $120 I would expect better resolution.I have checked out this book from my library and I know that "normal" quality versions exist.

This is an excellent book. It covers the most frequent (and not so frequent) MSK pathology imaging in a smooth, simple and yet quite complete way. It may be too 'basic' for a MSK radiologist but it's perfect to have a general view during the residence and probably for the general radiologist as well. I believe every resident should have this one, particularly if they prefer less bulky and more 'to the point' writing, like myself.

Let me begin by saying the information in this book is excellent and it is very well written. I partially read a copy from my institution’s library and decided to buy my own. Unfortunately, the currently available production run has very poor print quality with thin paper resulting in images showing through the pages. Older versions had thick glossy paper, which should be standard for any imaging textbook. The thin paper also results in poor image contrast, which really degrades the quality of the images in the book. Also, many of the images now have streak artifacts through them compared to the older version. Despite exchanging the book, these problems persisted, which seems to indicate a production issue. I would hold off on buying until the print quality is improved.

I use this book every day in my practice to review common musculoskeletal abnormalities. It is not a comprehensive review, but it is great at what it's intended to be: a readable, digestible review of basic MSK MRI.

Excellent intermediate level book for MSK MR. Covers all the major topics needed for boards & practical day-to-day work. Like all texts, you have to supplement with recent research articles to go more in-depth if you intend to specialize in this area.

The author's have a way of teaching 'work' radiology instead of academic radiology. Chapters are beautifully and succintly written according to how one would actually protocol, interpret and report, with clear statements of when their writing is based on their experience instead of published data, thus lending a refreshing breath of honesty and a feel of learning from the masters. Pictures are accurately labelled and closely follow the text, reinforcing what is being taught. Highly recommended by my consultants, I highly recommend this to all who wish to learn MSK MRI.

For your first time experience with ortho mri this book is a must. There is text which is great at explaining the 'why' but also summarized tables for your second read when you're just flying through.

This book is great for residents wanting to get a better understanding for MSK MRI, even though it is a bit too detailed for those not wanting to master MSK.Good chapters, to the point, and great pictures.

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