No More Amoxicillin: Preventing And Treating Ear And Respiratory Infections Without Antibiotics
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An insightful and essential guide illustrates how amoxicillin can put the health of children at risk and provides ways to prevent ear and respiratory infection by identifying such factors as airborne allergies, food sensitivities, and poor nutrition, in order to strengthen the immune system. Origina

Paperback: 148 pages

Publisher: Kensington; 1 edition (August 1, 1998)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1575663163

ISBN-13: 978-1575663166

Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 0.5 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #679,101 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #50 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Preventive Medicine #87 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Otorhinolaryngology #138 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Pulmonary & Thoracic Medicine

I have used "NO MORE AMOXICILLIN" on myself and my 4 month old. While I was pregnant, I developed a very severe ear infection. Being that I was pregnant, I couldn't take any medication. I started using Dr. Mary Ann Block's technique through manipulation. My husband gave me 3 treatments a day and before long my ear infection was gone and I felt great. I could actually feel my ears draining during the treatment. It is always nice to find a way to cure you or your loved ones without the use of extra medication. This is definitely one of those. I have been doing the manuipulation technique on my 4 month old son since he was born and everytime he goes to the pediatrician she says that his ears look great. I have also purchased the video titled,"Treat Ear and Respiratory Infections WITHOUT Antibiotics!" This gives even more in depth information and a hands on demonstration of the manipulation technique. I highly recommend this book.

The very words "ear infection" conjure up fear, dread and visions of antibiotics in most parents----yet few ever understand what a misnomer the term "ear infection" actually is. I purchased this book when my daughter was 8 months old and we were going on our third ear infection. I was desperate and disillusioned with the poor explanations my pediatrician handed me along with an antibiotic rx slip. What actually did he mean by "ear infection"? 'Infections' are for the most part inflammations of the ear-----be they caused by virus or food sensitivities or (less commonly) bacteria. Yet we are treating most ear infections as if they are caused by a bacterial infection only. Block really drives a point home about food sensitivities----that many children are sensitive to dairy products, wheat, or corn (among others) and these items contribute to ear problems. After reading the book, we immediately took our daughter off dairy products permanently (and wheat for a year) and her health improved 100%----with only one more ear infection/inflammation, which we resolved easily and successfully without antibiotics. She has never had an ear problem again. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. While it is a bit amateurishly put together, and Block's writing style is at times cumbersome, it is nevertheless worthwhile stuff, and it REALLY important for parents to read and absorb.

This book was ok but there was too much "trying to convince me". The first 9 chapters are on why to not use antibiotics. The last chapter is on how to treat ear infections without antibiotics, I just wanted a little more on the treating and not so much on the convincing.

I bought this book a couple of years ago when my son was2 years old and in less than 3 months he had 2 ear infections and the doctor without blinking prescribed Amoxicilin. I asked him that what could we do to prevent future infections instead of always treating the disease and he just answered that ear infections were very common in kids, that antibiotics worked fine and if they didn't they would just so surgery and put tubes in his years. It was a blessing in disguise because not only i never went to that pediatrician again but got me investigating more about the subject and I found this book. I learned SO MUCH and am so happy to have applied what it has taught me. My son is now 5 1/2 and I also have a 3 year old and whenever they have a cold I just start the massage technique taught in the book and believe me, it works! The ear pain, their stuffiness and all other symptoms clear on their own without medicine.

My daughter got 5 ear infections before age 2. Of course, everytime she was prescribed antibiotics. At the 4th time, a generation 2 antibiotics was not working at the prescribed dosage. So the doctor changed to some wide spectrum Generation 3 antibiotics. It worked, of course. Then I started thinking: will there be a medicine for her when she is 10 years old when she is sick? Remember 5th generation antibiotics are still under study. SO I looked around and found this book. I used the massage procedure described in this book for her on her 5th ear infection. We did fill the prescribed antibiotics but kept in our refrigerator just in case. She never need that antibiotics.She is 5 now and she never went to see doctor again because of ear infections after that. There were a few times when she had signs of ear infection. I just did the massage procedure and they were gone within a couple days.I do not understand why three people not giving this book 5 * rating while telling people that it worked and helped them.

I wish all pediatricians would read and internalize the information in this book before handing out antibiotics like candy. I have been a lifelong sufferer of ear infections and my toddler daughter has had a few. The next time one comes up, I will absolutely use the techniques in this book! We've been dairy free for a while now and she hasn't had one at all, so I think that's key to prevention.

If you know nothing about the negative consequences of antibiotics, this would be a useful and informative book, or if you have questions about dietary modifications for your child to help reduce their risk of getting ear infection/inflammation. I found the book is somewhat repetitive, and it probably is preaching to the converted. I bought it because I wanted to know the massage techniques for draining the lymph system, and they take up a scant few pages at the very end of the book. I would have liked more of the hands-on information and less of the reasons why antibiotic overuse is bad.

This is one book that is a must for all parents. My son had to be taken to the paediatrician every month in the fall and winter because of runny nose which led to an ear infection and then Amoxicillin. Since I've read this book, my son has been keeping well and I take care of the precautions mentioned and do a massage and he has been fine. If you have a child less than 2 years old, this is a must.

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