Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide
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Through lavish use of video, tables and charts, learning exercises, troubleshooting examples, and practical tips for getting the most from treatment interventions, Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide is designed to help both students and practitioners master the core methods of this proven form of psychotherapy. This easy-to-use guidebook offers full explanations of the most effective behavioral methods; a program designed for achieving competency that covers both basic methods for patients with depression and anxiety and advanced techniques for patients with bipolar disorder, psychoses, and eating and personality disorders; an integrated cognitive-behavioral/biological/interpersonal model for treatment; and instructions on fully integrating CBT with psychopharmacological intervention, as well as formulation and treatment methods endorsed by the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Written by seasoned cognitive-behavior therapists who also demonstrate CBT methods on the accompanying DVD, Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide is indisputably the essential resource for students of multiple disciplines and practitioners who wish to learn the invaluable techniques of CBT.

Series: Above

Paperback: 300 pages

Publisher: American Psychiatric Publishing; Pap/DVD edition (October 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1585621536

ISBN-13: 978-1585621538

Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.1 x 0.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (30 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #40,316 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #47 in Books > Textbooks > Social Sciences > Psychology > Cognitive Psychology #81 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Psychiatry #104 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > Psychotherapy, TA & NLP

While researching literature for an article in the Library of the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (Pittsburgh, PA), I have noticed the book in question on the library's display shelf for new releases. I opened the book at random and stumbled upon a handful of effectively presented tables and charts (a list of healthy and dysfunctional schemas, tips for using behavioral activation, etc.). I checked the book out.The book serves equally well as a primer for a CBT trainee or as a refresher course for a CBT practitioner. In reading the book, I have reminisced about my first doctoral practicum in CBT tx of anxiety and depression (a few years back, in the 20th century!) and wished my learning of cognitive-behavior therapy had been accompanied by readings from "Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy" by Wright, Busco and Thase.Having read about a dozen books on CBT, I place this book in the top three in terms of immediate clinical utility. The book wastes no time to organize various pieces of CBT paradigm. Case in point is page 7: the book begins with placing automatic thoughts and schemas in the context of levels of cognitive processing. The book continues with similarly effective organization, laconic case vignettes, and exercises. The book comes with a DVD which I have not had a chance to review but, I am confident (based on my prior exposure to one of the author's computer-assisted multimedia program) is of good quality as well.To think, "It's just another book on CBT" would be a cognitive error.Pavel Somov, Ph.D.Licensed PsychologistPittsburgh, PACo-Author of "The Recovery Equation: Motivational Enhancement/Choice Awareness/Use Prevention, an Innovative Clinical Curriculum for Substance Use Treatment"psclinical@hotmail.com

It has often been said that psychotherapy is both art and science. Research over the last 40 years has demonstrated the scientific basis for Cognitive Therapy. However, it is one thing to read about an approach to therapy and another to learn how to do it. Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide provides the reader and clinician with the best of both worlds. Not only will the reader find in the book the basic concepts and techniques of CT, the accompanying DVD will demonstrate how to administer these interventions. This book is a must for anyone who is serious about using Cognitive Therapy in their clinical setting. It is also a useful resource for academics that are looking for a resource to illustrate this approach to therapy.

The book is easy to read and gives actual examples that can be used in a therpeutic setting. The DVD has real life situations and examples that are easily tranferrable to counseling sessions. The DVD looks like an office and people in a previous decade, but skills are still up to date.

I've found this book particularly interesting for those of you that should to teach CBT techniques to people who are in their first steps of education (residents, students, nurses, etc.)It is clear, well writen and good learning. Basic principles of the rationale of CBT and treatment techniques are well explained and DVD provides you with helpful examples. Above all, I would like to remark that the book gives you really interesting advice about how to do case-formulation. It is such a good learning. Finally, the book provides you with some checklists and scales that will help you to teach, supervise or practise CBT in a reliably way.

I purchased this book as well as two others (Handbook of Cognitive Behavior Therapies, Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond)for a comparative paper for grad school. Out of all three, this one had the most information, and I cited it multiple times throughout my paper. Highly recommended for students who need to know the basics of how CBT works, as far as history, important figures, actual therapeutic techniques, etc.

This book provides an excellent primer or a great refresher in the concepts, theory, and practice of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT). It presents CBT and many of its crucial elements in a straight-forward, easy to read fashion, and includes short video vignettes (DVD included) and practice exercizes for the reader throughout many of the book's chapters. This is a great value for those looking to learn CBT for the first time as well as those looking to get back to basics and assess/enhance their own CBT skills. Book includes link to downloadable CBT forms (and cbt skills self-assessment materials).

I am not a mental-health professional but am, instead, someone who has benefited from the concepts and techniques that this book teaches. I read "Getting Your Life Back," which two of the authors of this book (Wright and Basco) published in 2001, and I found it very helpful. But, surprisingly perhaps, I found "Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy, an Illustrated Guide" even more helpful. The book is written for practicing therapists and those in training to become therapists, but it is not a dry medical textbook. The prose is well-written, clear, and direct. It avoids jargon. It explains each concept and each technique clearly and in detail. The authors point out that "One of the appealing features of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) is the collaborative, straightforward, and action-oriented style of therapeutic relationship that it employs." Every chapter of the book demonstrates this style."Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy" is not a self-help book, but I found that discovering how professionals learn to use CBT has helped me recognize my own difficulties better and understand more clearly how to deal with them. The authors of the book would insist, correctly, that no book can replace the help of a trained professional. But if you feel that you need help, or you know someone who needs help, and if you really want to understand the concepts and techniques of CBT, the reasons, goals, and procedures that cognitive-behavior therapists use, then I recommend this book.

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