Sedation: A Guide To Patient Management, 4e
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This definitive, authoritative clinical manual stands alone in the field of patient sedation. Combining essential theory with technical instruction, it presents "everything in a nutshell" for the practicing professional and student of dentistry. Key factors such as the physical, emotional, and mental condition of the patient - as well as required ADA guidelines - are incorporated into sedation techniques designed to improve the patient's overall dental experience. The result is an indispensable book, expert in its professional protocols and techniques, and comprehensive in its wide-ranging considerations. Detailed chapters, divided into eight parts, are devoted to topics on: the problem of fear and anxiety in dentistry; pain and anxiety control; pharmacosedation; history and techniques of general anesthesia; inhalation and intravenous sedation, preparation and management of emergencies in the dental office; and sedation for special needs patients - pediatric, geriatric, and medical and physically compromised patients.Written by an acknowledged expert in the field, the book draws on a wealth of clinical experience and ability.Combines all aspects of sedation with essential theoretical and technical instruction.Techniques are divided into sections on pharmacology, armamentarium, and technique and complications - described in explicit detail that allows it to be used as a chairside reference.Pharmacosedation is covered in full, with discussions of oral, rectal, and IM premedication, as well as nine chapters on inhalation sedation and ten chapters on IV sedation.Covers all of the components required by the ADA guidelines: review of cardiovascular and respiratory physiology; selection of agents; techniques of administration; and management of complications and emergencies.Step-by-step descriptions of inhalation sedation (nitrous oxide and oxygen) and intravenous sedation provide a superb clinical "picture" of the procedures.Chapters on pediatric, geriatric and physically and medically compromised patients offer valuable, up-to-date information on the management of these special needs patients.In-depth discussions of the pharmacology of commonly used sedative agents allow the reader to fully understand properties and characteristics of drugs used.Content has been completely updated to include the most current drug dosage information.More information on recreational abuse of nitrous oxide reflects the current societal trends.The latest American Heart Association recommendations help prevent bacterial endocarditis.Increased emphasis on nitrous oxide/oxygen, as many dental hygienists are becoming certified to administer this form of sedation.New contributors lend credibility and experience to each topic discussed.Content outlines at the beginning of each chapter allow for quick reference of specific topics.Improved illustrations and photographs offer a fresh look, with high-quality art to aid in the visualization of techniques and procedures.Spanish version of 3rd edition also available, ISBN: 84-8174-136-1

Paperback: 608 pages

Publisher: Mosby; 4 edition (June 15, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0323012264

ISBN-13: 978-0323012263

Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.5 x 1 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (7 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #815,013 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #14 in Books > Medical Books > Dentistry > Anesthesiology #36 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Dentistry > Oral Surgery #50 in Books > Medical Books > Dentistry > Oral Surgery

This extensive guide to sedation is well written and very through. There are chapters on oral sedation, N2O sedation, and emergency medicine.I found it very informative.

This is a very good book for the clinician who wants to gain an understanding of proper patient management for the sedated patient, rescue breathing for the over-sedated, and how to properly monitor your sedated patient. This is not the book for a person who wants to do just conscious sedation though. It does review conscious sedation, but not very thoroughly. I recommend this book to anyone wishing to increase their understanding of how to manage your patient during sedation as a whole.M.G.

I just completed the dental anesthesia course at dental school and this is the book our class used. I found the book to be very helpful for more than just sedation and I do recommend it. I will be a good reference book for my collection.

Information packed! Perfect blend of clinical tips and historical background. Best if used in conjunction with the Oregon AGD IV Sed course.

Very thorough, comprehensive, well organized. A great reference for anyone doing sedation. A must to have on your shelf at your office.

Needed this for professional course. Good book.

excellent book, well documented and didactic

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