We Are Market Basket: The Story Of The Unlikely Grassroots Movement That Saved A Beloved Business
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What if a company were so treasured and trusted that people literally took to the streets - by the thousands - to save it? That company is Market Basket, a popular New England supermarket chain. After long-time, CEO Arthur T. Demoulas was ousted by his cousin Arthur S. Demoulas, the company's managers and rank-and-file workers struck back.Risking their own livelihoods to restore the job of their beloved boss they walked out, but they didn't walk far. At huge protest rallies, they were joined by loyal customers - leaving stores empty. Suppliers and vendors stopped deliveries - rendering shelves bare. Politicians were forced to take sides. The national media and experts were stunned by the unprecedented defense of an executive. All openly challenged the Market Basket board of directors to make things right. And, in the end, they prevailed. With its arresting firsthand accounts from the streets and executive suites, We Are Market Basket is as inspiring as it is instructive.What is it about Market Basket and its leader that provokes such ferocious loyalty? How does a company spread across three states maintain a culture that embraces everyone - from cashier to customer - as family? Can a company really become an industry leader by prioritizing stakeholders over shareholders?Set against a backdrop of bad blood and corporate greed, We Are Market Basket is, above all, a page-turner that chronicles the epic rise, fall, and redemption of this iconic and uniquely American company.

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: AMACOM; First Edition edition (August 12, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 081443665X

ISBN-13: 978-0814436653

Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 1 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (75 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #94,918 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #49 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Restaurant & Food #72 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Retailing #135 in Books > Business & Money > Marketing & Sales > Customer Service

Wow – what a story! This book really captures the drama from the inside out. As a b-school grad I liked that it wasn’t too dumbed down. It actually addresses the bigger picture of how leadership impacts employees and customers, who are at the heart of any business. Overall, it’s a great read for someone interested in business lessons with some juicy details thrown in!

At first glance, this may be a bit of a parochial book that can be capable of giving interesting insights, as it looks at the remarkable story of how many workers of the Market Basket supermarket chain in New England, USA and members of the public rose up to save the company’s ousted CEO, a man who was well-liked and respected by perhaps a lot more than he realised.A few senior executives resigned in protest and then something fairly amazing and unique happened: managers and workers walked out to hold a rally (in their own time) and the word spread and even customers joined in. The company bunkered down, suppliers and vendors start to freeze deliveries, politicians got involved and it started to become a national news story and media circus. All over one fairly loved and respected CEO.It could have been a Hollywood movie – it may even be one day – yet the whole affair ended on a knife-edge with the company being sold to a consortium headed by the ousted executive. Oh, yes, to add more to the drama, it was a family battle too!A collection of notes and references are to be found at the end of the book yet it would be been desirable to have had in-line references or footnotes: this would not have affected the book’s pace or style and it would have been a little more helpful for those who want to dig deeper into this fascinating story.So in this small book the reader is treated to a drama, given an essay about human life and provided with a good overview about management dealings and the trials and tribulations of family companies – all wrapped up into an engaging read and something that may be an unexpected find.

I am a Market Basket worker though I am not done with the book I am really enjoying it.... and really really glad to still be working. Great story great people and great authors to tell the world of this outstanding event!!!! Thank you for your time and interest...

I live in metro Boston and every Sat. my Basket Buddy and I meet at the Burlington Market Basket to have coffee, chat and then shop. I converted to the Church of Artie T. last year and not only is my food shopping soul been saved but a good chunk of change as well. I watched all of the news casts last year. The book is good and should convert Bostonians and/or make those who live in the normal states of the USA envious. Today I went to the store where the "beautiful people" shop to buy a cup of coffee--that place where they celebrate diversity except if the diversity is not to their liking. This is the store that over charges people as a rule and frequently sells 10 ounces of produce but charges people for 16 ounces (yep, the food is not quite so whole). The guy in front of me spent $68 for one bag of food-- a not so whole bag of food. $68! By the way, the raised donuts at the Basket are the best. I am one American who does not run on Dunkin and prefer a cup of coffee at the Basket with their award winning (or should be) donut.

As a longtime customer of Market Basket and the fact that my daughter has worked for the company for 20 years I found the book both very well written and interesting. Because of my daughter’s connection to Market Basket I became aware of the impending doom in 2013 and started to investigate the whole DeMoulas VS DeMoulas story online. The book does not delve into the years of back stabbing and fighting in the courts, including the disbarring of lawyers, but provides a look into the summer of 2014 in a very realistic and emotional way. I cried a little, laughed a little and perhaps because I was involved in some way, could not put the book down – literally read it last night in one sitting!One year later, I still offer my congratulations to a true humanitarian, Arthur T. DeMoulas whose understanding and compassionate approach to his life and business goes well beyond what the average CEO in today’s business world achieves. Arthur T.’s no nonsense and keeping it simple approach, while empowering and motivating employees has lead Market Basket to its stellar performance in the grocery world. His philosophy “to treat our people with respect and share the success with them” is the driving force in keeping not only employees, but vendors and customers content and pleased. His unselfishness and largesse to surrounding communities through his charitable contributions should be celebrated and admired by all. Arthur T. is truly a “man for all seasons”.We Are Market Basket tells this very real story in an easy to read and entertaining book!

A terrific in-depth book that covers the history of the company and the complex relationships and interactions that led to the historic strike and boycott. We're taught about how the Market Basket business model differs from others, and the impact that had on the company, the shareholders, and the greater community of stakeholders. And we learn all the sides of the history strike and boycott that saved this historic view of a business' place in the community.

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